1. Access the new Code of Ethics & Business Conduct on AdaptHealth Central
  2. Return to this page to complete the scavenger hunt.
Question 1: The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct establishes the cornerstone of the Company’s _____________ for all employees.
Question 2: Our DIRECT values guide our actions every day: Diversity and Inclusion, _____________, Respect, Excellence, Compassion, Teamwork.
Question 3: Each Covered Person has the personal _____________ to make sure that, in discharging our duties and responsibilities as Covered Persons of AdaptHealth; we abide by this Code.
Question 4: Confidential information should be stored in a _____________ manner and its access limited to the Covered Persons who have a need to know and work with the confidential information.
Question 5: Covered Persons must avoid discussing prices, terms and conditions of sale, costs, inventories, competition, marketing plans or studies, production plans and capabilities, and any other _____________ or confidential information.
Question 6: Offering or paying anything of value to _____________ someone to refer a patient to AdaptHealth, is an example of an action that could violate the federal Anti-Kickback Statute (the “Anti-kickback Statute”) and similar state anti-kickback laws.
Question 7: Examples of the types of actions that could violate the federal False Claims Act and other federal false billing laws include: Submitting a claim containing information you know to be _____________.
Question 8: All AdaptHealth employees have an obligation to report actual or suspected non-compliance concerns, and can do so via the following methods:
Question 9: The Reporting Escalation Process consists of 4 Steps, which are:
Question 10: Covered Persons will not be disciplined or otherwise _____________ against as a result of reporting such conduct.
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