Offering solutions to keep you safe and independent in your home.

AdaptHealth New England offers oxygen and durable medical equipment solutions to keep you safe, comfortable and independent in your home. Our experienced professionals are available by phone or in person at our convenient locations to help find the solution that best fits your needs.

AdaptHealth is licensed to deliver prescription medical devices in all 6 New England states. If you are a healthcare professional, patient or family member seeking Home Medical Equipment (HME) in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine, AdaptHealth is here to help.

Deliveries are made by trained professionals who can answer questions and provide instruction on proper use of equipment. We are partnered with all major health insurances in the region.

Getting in touch:

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High Standards

AdaptHealth New England is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC). The company has demonstrated a commitment to providing quality care and services to consumers through compliance with ACHC’s nationally recognized standards for accreditation and has been granted accreditations for DMEPOS, including: Clinical Respiratory Care Services, Fitter Services, Home/Durable Medical Equipment Services.