Uploading Your Patient’s SD Card

Resvent – iBreeze


Uploading your patient’s SD card to ResAssist

Log into ResAssist website usa.resvent.com.  If you do not have an account set up within ResAssist, please reach out to AdaptHealth to get an account set up for your organization.

1. From main screen click Patient
2. Search by first and last name & click search
3. Click on the patient’s name

4. Insert SD Card into card reader. If your patient brought their iBreeze machine in, the SD Card is found on the left side of the machine above the filter
5. Click Upload Data

6. Find the USB drive for your computer and click to open folder
7. Look for the folder that says Therapy
8. Double click the Therapy folder and click Open

9. Once the correct folder is selected, you will see a pop-up box. Click Upload

10. You will see another pop-up box confirming you would like to upload the data. Click Start
11. Once Upload has completed, a pop-up box will present. Click Confirm

12. Click Back

13. Click on the patient’s name. You then will be able to pull a compliance report as well as see usage, pressure, AHI, and leaks

React Health Luna II, Luna G3


Uploading your patient’s SD card to iCodeConnect

If your office does not already have an iCodeConnect Account, please register at reacthealth.com/Connect.  If your office already has an account, please skip to step 2.

1. Click Register a new Physician/Sleep Lab/Clinic Account and follow steps to register for an account for your office. This account will be shared among users in your office.

2. Log into iCodeConnect and click Patients. Search for patient name using first and last name. Click Search

3. Click on patient name to open account
4. Click Add SD Card Download

5. Insert SD card into your SD Card reader. If your patient brought their machine in,the Luna II SD Card is found in the back of the machine. The Luna G3 Humidifier chamber needs to be removed to find SD Card
6. Click Choose File

7. Find the USB drive for your download and click to open folder

8. Double click on the USR file you choose to download. Click open (If you chose the incorrect file, iCodeConnect will present a pop up letting you know which USR file to select)

9. Once the correct file is selected, click Submit

10. Scroll down to SD Card Therapy Report to pull the report.  Adjust the days as needed. Click Generate PDF report to view report. Usage (Pressure, Leaks, Apnea, Hypopnea, Open airway apnea) can also be viewed by clicking on each individual night

ResMed AirSense-10, 11


ResMed SD card retrieval

1. Click Card download.

2. Insert a compatible data card in the card reader.

3. AirView detects the data card and automatically searches for a patient with a device prescription matching the device serial number found on the data card.

4. Select Include detailed data, if desired. Note: detailed data is not available on all supported devices.

5. Determine whether the correct patient file has been located. Note: because the download action cannot be undone, ensure the correct patient has been selected before downloading data.

6. If the correct patient file is displayed, click Yes, start download.

7. The data download starts automatically, and a confirmation message is displayed.

8. If the correct patient file is not displayed, click No, incorrect patient. You can then either search for an active patient or create a new patient file.

9. Pull compliance report as normal

Philips DreamStation, DreamStation2


Care Orchestrator SD card Retrieval

1. Insert card into reader (removable disk opens and you may close it).

2. On the left side of the screen click open device data download.

3. You will receive another screen to verify if it is the correct patient. Once verified click Next.

4. Download will start

5. Once it’s complete, it will default to therapy data tab where a report can be generated.

Helpful Tips


  • If you find that the report shows dates into the future, the patient has inadvertently changed the date on their machine in the settings
    • Reach out to your local AdaptHealth office. If the dates are changed on the machine without contacting ResVent, the patient will lose data
  • If the SD card will not download, ensure that the card is unlocked. Do this by moving the small slider on the left side of the card into the up position
  • ResAssist will match the Serial Number from the SD card to the Serial number listed on the patient’s account. If you receive an error message, please reach out to AdaptHealth


  • If you find that the report shows dates into the future, the patient has inadvertently changed the date on their machine in the settings
    • Reach out to your local AdaptHealth office. If the dates are changed on the machine without contacting React Health, the patient will lose data
  • If the SD card will not download, ensure that the card is unlocked. Do this by moving the small slider on the left side of the card into the up position