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Debunking the Top 5 Wearable Pump Myths with Willow

Debunking the Top 5 Wearable Pump Myths with Willow   One of the most important steps when preparing for your feeding and pumping journey is doing your research. At Storkpump by AdaptHealth and Willow, we share a common mission: to empower moms by providing them with the facts they need to…
Melissa Portunato
October 28, 2024

Breastfeeding FAQs: Expert Advice

Whether you’re just getting started on your breastfeeding journey or you're several months in,  Storkpump by AdaptHealth, and Motif Medical are shedding light on frequently asked questions.   When should I schedule my first visit with an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)? It’s a great idea to set up an IBCLC…
Melissa Portunato
June 17, 2024

Manage Nipple Pain for Breastfeeding Success

Understanding Latch   Nipple soreness in the first weeks postpartum can be expected as you and your baby learn to breastfeed. However, pain during feeding is not normal. A good latch is crucial for successful breastfeeding. It ensures your baby is effectively extracting milk without causing pain. If you're struggling with…
Melissa Portunato
April 8, 2024

Storing Breast Milk: Tips and Guidelines

Each breastfeeding experience is unique. Whether your journey involves occasional pumping, pumping only during work hours, or exclusively expressing breast milk around the clock, it is all a part of breastfeeding. Regardless of how frequently you express your milk, it is essential to handle and store milk with care. Adhering…
Melissa Portunato
March 14, 2024

What is Parallel Pumping? by Spectra Baby USA

Parallel Pumping is a feeding technique that involves nursing a baby at the breast on one side while simultaneously using a breast pump on the other breast. Why Parallel Pumping? Many mothers are prescribed Triple Feeding (nurse, pump, and feed baby) when latching is difficult or to increase milk supply.…
Melissa Portunato
December 19, 2023

How to Order a Breast Pump Through Insurance

Every mom starts pumping for different reasons. Some start immediately after their baby is born because of a health-related circumstance while others choose to exclusively pump right from the beginning. Many mothers often start their pumping journey when returning to work. However, you introduce pumping to your breastfeeding routine, you…
Melissa Portunato
August 18, 2023

Benefits of Breastfeeding For You and Baby

Breast milk is a living substance packed with nutrients, antibodies, and vitamins, providing the perfect nutritional composition for your growing baby. As your baby develops and responds to the environment around them, the composition of your breast milk will adapt to meet their needs. Breast milk is readily available, easily…
Melissa Portunato
January 12, 2023

Alcohol and Breastfeeding

You waited 9 months. Nine. N-I-N-E. No wine, no beer, no mimosas at your baby shower. You ate right (minus those, ahem, few late-night trips through the drive-thru), went to bed at a reasonable hour, and refrained from taking a dip in the hot tub during your babymoon. But now…
Chris Camera
October 13, 2022

Where to Find Support and Help for Breastfeeding Struggles

While producing breast milk is natural, breastfeeding a baby is something that takes time to learn. And that can be frustrating. At a time when you’re already sleep deprived, stressed, and dealing with all the changes a new baby brings, struggling with breastfeeding is the last thing you need. Fortunately,…
Chris Camera
August 13, 2022

Thawing and Feeding Stored Breastmilk

Thawing Frozen Milk To thaw frozen milk, you can do one of the following: Put the container in the refrigerator. Put the container in a cup of warm or lukewarm water. Run lukewarm water over the container. Whatever method you choose, keep these tips in mind: DO: Thaw the oldest…
Chris Camera
April 14, 2022
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